Friday, March 9, 2007

What a week!

Last week was a little difficult, we got home from Colorado at about 9:30 on Monday night. Well I had some stuff to get done before I could go to bed from being gone all weekend. So I didn't get to bed until about 11. Well I had to get up at 5:00 to get to school on time for our trip to Bismarck to sit in on the legislature. Well I didn't get up at 5 because I like my sleep a little to much so I was rushing around the house and was almost late! It is a good thing I like sitting in the front of the bus.[smile] Well the trip was fun and I was able to sit with Senator Robert Erbele during the Senate session, that was very cool! Well we got back to Ashley a little after 4 and I was so tired I wanted to go home and take a nap before drama practice, well I get home and realize that I forgot my brother in town, AGAIN! But this time it really wasn't my fault- see my mom left me a note on my locker and I didn't go to my locker so I didn't get the note.(ooops!) So I went back in to get Michael, so there was no nap for me. Well then Wednesday, was my first day of actually school to work and the vet clinic. And I locked BOTH sets of keys in my car! It took 3 locksmiths and a trip to Wishek to get it open! (Thanks to Reece who was a great sport about the whole thing.) Well we got my car opened and I was only 10 min. late for work at the Nursing Home, but Missy understood and thought the story was rather funny! To top it all off that day I had a 2 page paper to write on the Death Penalty, due on Thursday. Well I was up until 11 doing my paper when I decided to go to bed, much because I was falling a sleep at the computer; well I didn't have it done so I was up at 4 in the morning! To get it done, the only possible thing left to go wrong was the printer dieing on me - and luckily that didn't happen. WOW!!! Thursday was a long day, and to make it better I had another paper due on Friday about our trip to Bismarck! I was up until about 11 p.m., but this time I slept through my alarm clock that went off at 4 a.m. and woke up at 6:30! And I still had another page to write, well I didn't even think about making it to school on time. So I finished my paper and was in school a half hour late. Then on Saturday I had my first speech meet ever! I due to my alarm clock not going off I was almost late! Saturday was another long day. Sunday really didn't slow down much either, i went to church in Oakes with my cousins and then Micki, Brandi and I went to Valley City to the Rodeo at the Winter Show. That was more of a relaxed day, but I didn't get a lot of sleep, so I was a little tired.

This was me half way through the week, until I realized that God would never give me more then I can handle and all I have to do is cling to his word and he will help me through it all! What a great relief it was to let it all go and just trust that he will be there and let him take care of it!


Bethany said...

Wow you've been busy! ...God would never give me more then I can handle ... That is so true! Keep honoring Him in all your ways Kris! Can't wait till camp! :D

Goldfish said...

I've been waiting for an update, but, like Bethany said, you've been busy!!! Our school took 1 or 2 field trips to the Capitol and got to see Robert. Trisha, one of my best friends, went to the Winter show, too. Wish I could have gone too! :(