Sunday, June 17, 2007

Fathers Day

F- faithful
A- assertive
T- trustworthy
H- humble
E- earnest
R- reliable
S- strong

D- driven
A- attentive
Y- youthful

Today is a day to remember Fathers, how important they are in the up bringing of today's youth, did you know that in the average household of unbelievers, if the father comes to know the Lord as his personal Savior first, there in a 97% chance that the rest of the house hold will follow?! Dads you are very important, we need you, especially since on average, only 4% of young people born between 1976-1994, could say that they know the Lord as their Savior. Scary isn't it?

Thank You Daddy, for being there for me, and loving me. For guiding my footsteps when I was little, and even now as I get older. For picking me up when I fall, and for giving me all the support! God Bless you Daddy!

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