Monday, June 18, 2007

The day at the dentist!

Well i just got home for the dentist...but don't worry it won't be too long until our next visit, I get to see them again on Friday! Well actually I get to see the Oral Surgeon, I really can' t wait for that trip. I am getting my wisdom teeth "extracted", that just sounds painful! Luckily though I only have 2, both on my right side, so one side of my face is going to look like a pocket gopher and the other will be somewhat normal, I hope! well I was kinda hoping that they were going to knock me all the way out for the procedure...I would rather wake up in pain not knowing what they had to do to get them out, then have to be wake and while I am obviously not going to be feeling anything, I am going to know what they are doing! :(

Well on the up side I finally decided to replace my ipod, I even splurged and got the two year warranty, just in case it comes in counter with anymore washing machines. [smile] I also found some awesome bluegrass, gospel CDs. and I am also reading "Before You Meet Prince Charming" by Sarah Mally, it is quite good so far!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure you are going to post a picture of yourself when you look like a pocket gopher, right?